Tuesday, November 27, 2012

JLW Strategic Plan 2012 – 2017

The new five year Strategic Plan is built on three main goals: Building Community Impact, Building the JLW Brand, and Building an Internal Sense of Community. These three goals are not mutually exclusive, but work together as the JLW moves into its second century. Please take a look at the new Strategic Plan which can be found on the JLW website under Resources: JLW Strategic Plan, 2012-2017.

The genesis of the new plan dates back to the subcommittee of the 2010-2011 Strategic Planning Committee which laid the groundwork for the plan through a series of interviews with members of JLW leadership and evaluation of JLW Membership Survey results.

The 2012-2013 Strategic Planning Committee is meeting with the Councils to assist in implementing the new Strategic Plan and getting the word out throughout the JLW membership. Using the Strategic Plan, the 2012-2013 Board has created its own annual plan to implement the goals of the Strategic Plan.

Over the next few months we will explore the impact of the goals on the community, on our literacy focus and on our JLW membership. Think of what you and your committee could be doing to help the JLW meet and exceed the goals of the new Strategic Plan as we embark on our second 100 years. Please be on the lookout for themes from the Strategic Plan throughout our Centennial Year!

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