The Junior League of Washington (JLW) extends a big thank you to all of the runners, walkers, and fans who participated in the 2012
Bright Beginnings, Inc. annual 5K race on Saturday, May 12th!

Each year, this 5K race, which is sponsored by the JLW, raises critical funds to help support the Bright Beginnings child and family development center. Bright Beginnings helps prepare homeless children in our community for kindergarten and helps the children's parents get back on their feet and become self-sufficient. Of the many important duties Bright Beginnings assumes, the center provides free full-day developmental care for preschoolers and young children whose families reside in shelters and transitional housing.
Bright Beginnings' services help ensure that underprivileged children in the DC-metro area have better footing to succeed on their first day of school. The center's great work helps increase literacy, which is the JLW's primary mission.
This year's race was held at Hains Point and there were over 350 finishers. The race is a huge success year after year thanks in no small part to the many JLW members who donate their time, money, and energy to the event.
The JLW is grateful to work with such great community partners as Bright Beginnings and we look forward to next year's race!
AshLee Strong
Member of the Public Relations Committee
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